Father Jewels Society
Our Worship Venues
Daily prayers - members "pay their respects" by facing toward Lake George, bowing their heads and extending their arms with "Jewelian" hands extended.
Annual Meeting - The weekend after the President's Day Holiday is the traditional gathering time for our members. It takes place in Winhall VT at the home of brother Palmeri. It is during this time that all official matter pertaining to the society takes place.
Special Events - Members may elect, at their discretion, to gather for spontaneous celebrations. They may include but not limited to golf outings, ski trips outside Vermont and reunions in Wayne, NJPilgramage
Once a decennium,the founding members are drawn back to the Mecca of their existence, Battlefield Park in Lake George NY. Here they shall commune in prayer as they worship his holiness at the shrine of our society, the Statue of Father Jewels